Skincare routine

Taking care of your skin means giving it what it needs every day...

Just as we nourish our body according to our hunger, the season and the evolution of our energy needs, we must adapt to the needs of our skin to respond to them effectively.

And so, remain attentive to the messages that she transmits to us to identify what she needs.

Knowing how to readjust your routine according to the seasons, our lifestyle and the internal changes we face.

Knowing your skin type means knowing if it needs hydration, nutrition, knowing what it lacks or what it produces in excess.

You can get help from a specialist to identify the skin type that suits you, and to be able to adapt to it as best as possible.

Generally speaking, natural products are best tolerated by the skin in the long term, because they are not very aggressive and are not very allergenic.

Cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing are the three major imperatives of a successful skincare routine.

Simplicity and common sense too: we don't overload our skin by using too many products, and we observe our skin's reactions to change our habits when necessary!

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